- the most grand of all doorbells. Long tubes serve as the
actual bells which are struck by solenoids to create the chiming
sound. These are grand not just in appearance, but also have
an acoustic resonance and sustain that is unmatched by other
types of doorbells. Among this style are models with two,
three or four bells. The two and three bell models strike
the familiar two note ding-dong sound. Four-bell models strike
a complex series of notes, most often the Westminster Chimes

Resonators - have exposed stubby tubes, often confused
with actually being bells. In fact they are acoustic
chambers that enhance the sound of simple flat “reeds”
- bells that are more like xylophone keys which are
placed along side or inside the resonator tubes. While
less grand than longbells, they often have a very rich
sound to them. |

Compacts - these were typically the most modest door bells,
where space or budget did not allow for the more deluxe
chimes. They may or may not have small inboard resonator
chambers to enhance the sound quality. While modest, they
can be quite stylish and just right for a modest space.
Chimes - things that don’t quite fit in
the other categories. Included in this section are recessed
chimes with clocks, and chiming devices not necessarily
intended for use as doorbells but potentially just the
right thing for people who seek the unusual. |
<Custom Designs - speaking of the unusual, these are absolutely unique!